Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ego Boost

The easiest way to get an ego boost is to ask five of your closest friends to briefly describe your personality. I know this, because I did just that. Not on purpose. Well, I guess it was on purpose. It was meant to be research for a paper I had to write about myself for one of my psychology classes - "What are 3 of your personality characteristics and what do you believe are the reasons behind these characteristics?"

I sat and stared at a blank computer screen for about 15 minutes. What came to mind? Well, I'm anal retentive, defensive, have a low self esteem, highly critical of myself, sometimes moody, indecisive, blah blah blah. Nothing but negativity. What's a girl to do?

Just short of curling up in my security blanket and crying myself to sleep, I decided to do what an indecisive person does best - ask someone else. So I sent this text message to five of my closest friends:

"What would you say are some of my personality characteristics? It's for a paper I'm writing for Psych class."

Their responses:

Dave (boyfriend): outgoing and thoughtful! oh yeah, and easy too!

Thanks, honey.

Amanda: oh my gosh... where to start?! :-) organized, efficient, thoughtful in your words and actions, understanding, good hair ;-)

Well, that's because I haven't used a crimper since 1987.

Rebecca: generous, nurturing, loving, motivated, and hopefully understanding when ur friend tells you she slept with her ex-boyfriend

Hold that thought - I'll call you when I'm done writing my paper.

Jaime: fun, caring, understanding, outgoing, spontanious... just to name a few ;).

And my best friend, April: sympathetic, loving, giving, passionate, understanding, accepting, determined, focused. is that enough or do you need more? it's hard for me to just describe you in one word descriptions! :)

Holy cow... maybe I should make "highly emotional" a main topic of the paper because I was in tears after reading their responses.


Blogger alannajoy said...

Awe, thats fab AG! Looks like you've got quite a support system around you! Must be b/c you are all those things and more...

1:41 PM  

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