I am an aerobics instructor. Besides my full time job, fitness and teaching are my life. I have been teaching for about 7 years now, all different types of formats - kickbox, step, sculpting, pilates, aqua, etc. You name it, I've taught it. Except cycling. Cycling kicks my ass and I can't imagine teaching it. Everyone I come in contact with and knows I am a fitness professional, asks my opinion on everything from dieting and nutrition information to exercise routines to tennis shoe preference. I really don't mind. If I know the answers or have some good recommendations, I will give them. If not, I refer them to their nearest personal trainer or doctor. But generally, I like to be known as the health and fitness consultant.
The point of me telling you this is that EVERY DAY that Plan B. and I dated, he asked me my opinion on his diet and exercise regime. He would ask me to go grocery shopping with him so that he would select healthy foods and asked if he could join me in my workouts because I could get him in free at the gym. He swore up and down that he wanted to be healthier and was desperate for my help. But when we were at the grocery store, he would buy the bad stuff because he really wanted it or he really isn't fat so why can't he eat it? Whatever, I gave my suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em. I'm not the commander, I was just helping as I was asked to do. I also found myself being stood up at the gym because someone never showed up to work out when they so needed to start lifting weights and getting more exercise. *sigh* You can only lead a horse to water...
I found myself on the verge of vomiting the other day because I overheard Plan B. talking about his new gym membership. According to rumor, he pays to go to a gym and stand around. I don't know why this causes me to go into dry heaves - maybe because I couldn't even get him to accompany me to a gym for free.
Oh, and on a little side note... the last time that Plan B. and I really hung out/carpooled, we made a stop at the grocery store. For some reason, he had a bug up his butt about getting some good salmon to grill that night and... oh, what should I make with salmon?... and what's a good salad dressing?... and do you think these croutons will taste good?... and while we were waiting in line to check out... will you run back to produce and grab me a lemon? I wondered why he was so concerned about having a perfect dinner. And then I wondered if I might be invited to join him for dinner. And then I came to my senses and realized... this dinner was for HER. And I had become the grocery shopping and dinner date consultant. PUKE
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