Another day passes... and what's going on? The same freaking thing that happened a year ago. Just when I think something new is coming along or an exciting change is just around the corner, I realize I'm in the same exact place I've always been. Maybe for an instant, possibly a day, I'm up, flying high, or I might feel sluggishly low, but it's typically back to the same ol', same ol'.
A year ago today, I was dating a guy - Plan J. If you were reading my blog a year ago, his name might ring a bell. I wasn't super interested in him but he was a great distraction from the broken heart that resulted from Plan B. Plan J. now sits a few cubicles away from me and he and I chit chat on a regular basis. Weird, needless to say. But it's not odd that nothing ever amounted out of that relationship. And who do you think is asking me to hang out this weekend? It's like I'm re-living my life from a year ago.
I just interviewed for a team lead position on my team. I didn't get it. I haven't gotten a lot of jobs I have interviewed for lately. I sit here in the same position doing the same job that I was doing last year - very normal for some people. NOT normal for me.
I'm still alone. I'm still fighting with myself about my choices in life. I'm still wondering how my weekend is going to pan out. I'm still debating where I should live, what I should do, how to pay off my debt, who I should spend my time with, and most of all - am I happy with the person that I have become?
there are plenty of blah moments in life. Don't let them get you down. Live your life to it's fullest and everything will fall into place. Hang in there girl.
Hey lady, I forgot to tell you that I moved my blog. Come visit me!
I'm listening to coldplay. Whatcha doing?
I actually saw that exhibit in Japan! It was REALLY cool. I'm glad I didnt make you sick!
I think everyone goes thru days like this sista... when you sit back, ponder and start to evaluate yourself and the life you've chosen. And I think its something that you/we should be doing... It will ultimately help you to set goals for the future and continue to grow into who/what you'd still like to become.
Just don't be too hard on yourself gilr! =) Evolution takes time...
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